Jan 07 / Simcha

More Friends, Less Lonely?

shareAs we connect more and more through social networks, are we becoming more and more social?  A video entitled The Innovation of Loneliness, produced by talented digital artist Shimi Cohen, addresses the question of whether our over-indulgence in social media is at the expense of real and vulnerable conversation.  The video has been spiraling its way rapidly through (you guessed it…) the internet.

Cohen’s work is based on research conduced by psychologist Yair Amichai-Hamburger, director of the Research Center for Internet Psychology (CIP) in Herzliya, Israel. A second edition of  Hamburger’s The Social Net: Human Behavior in Cyberspace, published this year by Oxford University Press, provides a snapshot of the positive and negative aspects of the internet, and an idea of how leadership, persuasion, romance, and decision-making will be impacted by the internet in the future.

Take a few minutes to enjoy Cohen’s Innovation of Loneliess video .